Sunday, September 25, 2011


Alien Research and investigation

This article is about Vimani, as mentioned in the ancient religion and beliefs of the people of India. Vimani are mentioned extensively in the epic poems, such as the Raymayana, that makeup the Indian religion . Where the pilots of the Vimani extraterrestrials?

Vimani are some type of vessel the gods of the Indian people would use to travel around our skies. Vimani were not limited to our skies though, even far away stars are short work for Vimani according to the epic poems. It is said that Vimani can travel to and from a distant star in a matter of days, even hours. Vimani are described to come in many styles, from a personal single man vessel, to an entire floating city. Many of the Vimani are explained to have amazing high powered weapons equipped. Many of the weapons described are extraordinarily similar to the devastating weapons of modern man.

The Vimani needed these powerful weapons, not to fight with man, but to fight with each other. It seems the Vimani pilots, some of whom had ten heads and ten arms, were not all on the same team. The epic poems that make up Indian religion suggest that the ancient Indian people found themselves in the middle of a war, and they witnessed and describe huge battles in the sky.

Another part of the Vimani story is not related to the Indian religion or its epic poems, it is the story of a book called Vaimanika Shastra. The Vaimanika Shastra is a book filled with very detailed descriptions of a large number of Vimani. The Vaimanika Shastra even gives details about how the engines worked, how to make Vimani hover, and become invisible. The Vaimanika Shastra also contains many illustrations of the Vimani it is describing. Are these images of ufos? Does this prove ufos are real?

Unlike the epic poems of India, the Vaimanika Shastra was written relatively recently in the early 1900s. The Vaimanika Shastra was written by a man who claimed to use " mental channeling" to get the detailed descriptions of the Vimani.

Upon close examination it was found that the author of the Vaimanika Shastra had very little grasp aeronautics and none of the Vimani in the Vaimanika Shastra have any possibility of actually being Vimani, or even ever leaving the ground.

The Vaimanika Shastra is a proven fake, or should I say, just a work of fiction, yet you will see images from it all over the internet and in video talking about Vimani. It bothers me when these images or text are used to promote the theory that they are real, and makes it seem like I am being sold.

The Vimani of ancient India are very interesting, but if those epic poems tell of ancient aliens coming to our planet from far away, why did they use our planet to fight with each other and use such powerful weapons? Could it be that after fighting wars in the sky with city size Vimani, and weapons comparable to the atomic bomb, that not one piece of any Vimani fell to the ground and has been preserved? It seems to me there should be plenty of ancient rubble, even after all this time. Surely, the people of India themselves would have preserved some of the rubble after their gods had left to serve as reminders of their time with them. Maybe we just have yet to find the evidence under the sand.

I give this a 2 on the mystery scale. Let me know what you think.

1 = no mystery
2 = possible mystery
3 = total mystery

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