Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ezekiels Wheels

Alien Research and investigation

I was watching the tv show "Ancient Aliens" and thought it would be interesting to see if what they were presenting has any validity as well as get some thoughts from readers and maybe get a good discussion going. One topic the show "Ancient Aliens" brings up is the Biblical prophet Ezekiel.

Ezekiel was a very interesting and controversial Biblical personality. It is said he foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, was able to raise the dead, and possibly saw a UFO.

Like Enoch before him, Ezekiel also possibly got to see the big man himself. Like Enoch before him the BOSS is surrounded by fire, lightning, shiny things, and maybe ufos.

Ezekiel sees a great cloud and a fire coming from the north. He sees four living creatures with the likeness of man coming out of the midst of the fire. Each living creature has four faces and wings. From here the story gets really confusing but it seems the creatures move about synchronously in all directions with the aid of, or along with, some strange wheel within a wheel type of object. Above the living creatures and the wheels was some type of firmament the color of some type of crystal. The creature and the firmament seem to be connected and they make a thunderous noise with their wings when they move but get quiet when stopped and the wings fall limp.

Above the firmament was the likeness of a sapphire throne and upon that was what looked like a man made of fire. This, man of fire, tells Ezekiel that he must take some bad news to Israel because they have transgressed. The man of fire then sent a hand with a roll of a book in it, and told him to eat it. The man of fire opened the book before Ezekiel and written therein was lamentations, and mourning, and woe. Then again the man of fire told Ezekiel to eat the scroll. After Ezekiel eats, the man of fire takes Ezekiel "up" and to another place where they remain for seven days.

Later in the story of Ezekiel, King Nebuchadnezzar (who drinks from a skull of a murdered Jew) has 3 young men killed for causing the Babylonian women to act strange. Just as the three young men are about to be thrown into a furnace Ezekiel brings them back to life, terrifying the king.

The story of Ezekiel in the Bible is much more detailed than I have been and there is much more to the story. There are many questions I have about Ezekiel including:

Could this be an eyewitness account of an alien spaceship? Is this another tale of ufos in our past? I read a great website about this, and on that website he breaks it down verse by verse and explanes how it is a description of an alien ufo. You can read it here - Read it!

If this was a meeting with the BOSS, why all the fanfare? Abraham, Moses, and others spoke with the BOSS several times without the BOSS needing neither a vessel nor a throne, why this time?

If this was a meeting with aliens and ufos from another planet, why do they have such an interest in Israel?

Why does the visitor force Ezekiel to eat the scroll?

Could this scroll have been "drugged" to cause Ezekiel to have special powers that can raise the dead?

Why does Ezekiel give every tiny detail about a meeting that lasts only a few minutes, then say not a word about the seven days he spent with the visitor?

There are more questions than this, but this is a good start. I would love to know what you think about this.

I give this a 3 on the mystery scale.

1 = no mystery
2 = possible mystery
3 = total mystery

Ezekiels Wheels

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