Sunday, September 25, 2011

Enoch and the Angels from the Bible

Alien Research and investigation

I was watching the tv show "Ancient Aliens" and thought it would be interesting to see if what they were presenting has any validity as well as get some thoughts from readers and maybe get a good discussion going. One topic the show "Ancient Aliens" brings up is the Biblical character Enoch.

Enoch is a character from the Bible. Where in the bible can he be found? Only in one part of the modern version of the bible "Genesis 5:22-29", and it is unlikely that you heard much about him in your bible studies. But, in the "other bible", the bible Jesus would read bible passages to the apostles from, there was another "book" that is no longer included. The book of the bible that is missing now is called, The Book of the Watchers, or the Book of Enoch, and it tells a very unsettling tale about the man, Enoch.

Enoch was Noah's great grandfather and he had a pretty crazy story to tell. First it says 200 "Watchers" led by a guy named S�m�az�z seem to have been hanging out for some reason. These angels from the bible began to fancy the human ladies and decided to gather on a mountain top and make a pact to take themselves human wives and have children with them.

The children turned out to be giants "whose height was three thousand ells". The giants ate everything the humans had, and when the humans had nothing left the giants started to eat the humans. The giants also "sinned" against everything in the air, on the land, and in the water.

Then it seems some other angels from the bible named Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel caught the 200 bad angels of the bible and went and told on them. The Boss tells the good angels to bind up the "Watchers", cast them in the desert, and cover them with darkness until the end times. The good angels from the bible also go tell Noah to get ready for a long voyage on a boat.

Enoch seems to have been well known by both the good and bad angels possibly even in an employment position. He was convinced by the fallen angels to take a plea for forgiveness to the BOSS Himself. Of course, the BOSS would not accept it and the punishment upon the angels was carried out but Enoch did get to see, describe, and speak to the BOSS according to the book of the Watchers. Enoch describes the BOSS as being in some type of place built of flames and fire. Inside the flames and fire was a high throne made of what seemed to be crystal and it had wheels that shone like the sun, and there were cherubim there as well. Fire streamed forth from the throne preventing Enoch from looking at it.

In the book of the Watchers Enoch learns and tells how evil spirits came to be and why they attack humans. Then the good angels from the bible take Enoch on an amazing journey "round the earth" where he sees "the places of the luminaries and of the thunder", a river of fire, all the rivers of the Earth and "the place where no flesh walks". "I saw the treasuries of all the winds: I saw how He had furnished with them the whole creation and the firm foundations of the earth". HE SAW HOW THE BOSS MADE THE EARTH! Enoch also got to see many more things including where souls go after we die to wait for judgement. Enoch wrote it all down and gave it to Noah. Then, since they liked him so much, the angels took him from the earth. Enoch walked with God and was never seen again.

This is a really great story and I highly recommend searching "the book of the Watchers" and reading it and going over it in you bible studies as I only scratch the surface. I think the many references to this book in later stories makes it very interesting. The well known angels, giants, strange trip around the world, strange "doings" of the angels, that "revelations" may be copied from the book of Enoch, and the mystery behind why it was removed from the Bible all makes this book something I think should be looked at a little more to finally find the truth of the bible.

I give this a 3 on the mystery scale.

1 = no mystery
2 = possible mystery
3 = total mystery

Enoch and the Angels from the Bible

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