Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nibiru - Will the World End

Alien Research and investigation

One of the first civilized places on earth was a place called Mesopotamia. Located in modern day Iraq, the Mesopotamian people are responsible for LOTS of discoveries and inventions. The Mesopotamian people are even said to have invented writing.

The Mesopotamian gods were called Annunaki, The Annunaki were many, and they came from a place called Nibiru. What is a Nibiru? Some experts agree that it is a very large, possibly red, planet that is a part of our solar system. Planet Nibiru is reported to have a very long elliptical orbit around sun, in fact, it takes Nibiru more than 3000 years to make one trip around the sun. The orbit planet Nibiru takes around the sun is reported to bring it dangerously close to earth, even possibly on a collision course.

When Nibiru is close to Earth, the Annunaki come to Earth from Nibiru and leave again when Nibiru leaves.

In modern day, many experts agree that such an event would have catastrophic effects upon the earth and the life that lives on it. If any planet was to come as close to the earth as the path of Nibiru would bring it, it would cause terrible earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions on Earth and Nibiru, it would affect our weather patterns, maybe change our magnetic poles, even possibly colliding with the earth, or moon. What's worse? It is said to be arriving just as the Mayan Calendar runs out December 21, 2012.

First, as I explain on my page about the Mayan Calendar, The Mayan Calendar does not run out, nor is it based on, or have anything to do with the galaxy or outer-space. The Mayan people did not know the Mesopotamians, or of the Annunaki, or of Nibiru, and they left no for-tellings of a coming planet. The Mesopotamian people and their stories of Annunaki and Nibiru were long gone by the time of the Mayan Calendar and the Mayan are from the other side of the world.

Why is it tied to the Mayan 2012 prophecy? Because previous predictions about planet Nibiru arrival date were wrong., it is as simple as that.

Will it ever arrive, and if so, will it carry Annunaki? I don't think so. I will explain.

First my thoughts on the Annunaki living on Nibiru: If the Annunaki lived on Nibiru I feel it would have been very difficult, if not impossible to evolve into living beings. A planet with the orbit of Nibiru would be subject to thousands of years of extreme deep freeze as it moves so far from the sun. Modern scientists today would not consider a planet with this orbit to be a candidate to support life.

For the past several years many experts agree that Nibiru is on its way, you can see it, and that our government is keeping us from this knowledge for fear of widespread panick.

The truth is that it is not on its way and you cannot see it. The government would not be able to cover it up. Scientists can see Pluto, and Pluto is smaller than our moon and extremely far away. Amateur astronomers are in every town, I know one myself, and they can see amazing things, how could the government keep them all quiet? If someone found Nibiru they would be famous!

Scientificly speaking, it is not even likely a planet with such an orbit would even stay connected to our solar system. The planet would likely either take on a more circular orbit or fly out into space in search of a new home.

so, how will the world end? probably not by Nibiru.

when will the world end? probably not in the year 2012

There are plenty of real mysteries out there that are much more deserving of our attention than this.

I give this a 1 on the mystery scale. Let me know what you think.

1 = no mystery
2 = possible mystery
3 = total mystery

Nibiru - Will the world end

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