Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Alien Research and investigation

Welcome to Alien Research and Investigation - A.R.A.I.
The reason for this website is to look at the "strange and unusual" and to try to "weed out" the things we can figure out in order to concentrate on the things we can't. We are neither for nor against aliens or gods, we simply seek answers with an open but cautious and intelligent mind. We hope you will enjoy the articles and will help find the answers we all seek once and for all.

Here is a list of all the articles in this blog:

A.R.A.I. Mystery Tally
Antikythera Mechanism
Easter Island
Enoch and the Angels from the Bible
Ezekiels Wheels
Great Pyramid of Giza
Mayan Calenar - What is 2012
Mayan Tomb of Palenque
Nazca Lines and UFOs
Nibiru _ Will the World End
Piri Reis Map
Puma Punku and Tiwanaku